• Graduation Speech

    To make a long story short: I don’t shed a tear for my school days. For years, I struggled to get up, stood small and shy at the bus, then waited outside the classroom for the sometimes rather dull lessons, or frantically tried, with stomach cramps, to force the last vocabulary words, the cosine theorem,…

  • Synthesis

    The synthesis of these action steps leads to a well-rounded approach that acknowledges the importance of personal growth, community engagement, ethical considerations, and embracing change. By integrating these principles, you contribute to creating a more harmonious, innovative, and inclusive world for yourself and future generations.

  • 7 minute speech about the common things that connect all the above 10 speeches

    Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed audience, As we reflect on the diverse array of topics covered in the previous ten speeches, a unifying thread emerges, weaving together the intricate tapestry of our shared human experience. Although the subjects may range from herb gardens to global societies, from intellectual property to information technology, there are common themes…

  • 7 minute speech about Information Technology

    Ladies and gentlemen, tech enthusiasts, and curious minds, Today, I invite you to join me on a journey through the ever-evolving landscape of information technology. In the next seven minutes, I’ll guide you through the significance, transformative power, and ethical considerations of this rapidly advancing field that has reshaped our world in ways we could…

  • 7 minute speech about Intellectual Property

    Ladies and gentlemen, innovators, and advocates of creativity, Today, I invite you to embark on a journey into the fascinating and increasingly relevant realm of intellectual property. In the next seven minutes, I will guide you through the intricacies, challenges, and significance of intellectual property in our modern world. At its core, intellectual property is…

  • 7 minute speech about German Civil Law

    Ladies and gentlemen, legal scholars, and fellow seekers of legal understanding, Today, I invite you to delve into the intricate and influential realm of German Civil Law, also known as “Zivilrecht.” In the next seven minutes, I will guide you through the essence, structure, and significance of this foundational legal system that has shaped Germany’s…

  • 7 minute speech about the Global Society

    Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens of our interconnected world, Today, I stand before you to explore the intricate tapestry that is the global society. In the next seven minutes, I will delve into the profound shifts, challenges, and opportunities that define our shared existence as part of this interconnected, borderless community. The…

  • 7 minute speech about Outdoor Cooking

    Ladies and gentlemen, adventurous food enthusiasts, and fellow lovers of the great outdoors, Today, I invite you to embark on a flavorful journey that combines the joys of culinary creativity with the beauty of nature – the world of outdoor cooking. In the next seven minutes, I’ll share with you the magic, camaraderie, and sensory…

  • 7 minute speech about Hegels Philosophy of Right

    Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished scholars, and fellow seekers of philosophical understanding, Today, I invite you to embark on a profound exploration of one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s “Philosophy of Right.” In the next seven minutes, I will guide you through the essence, significance, and…

  • 7 minute speech about Tai Chi Chuan

    Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow seekers of wellness, Today, I am honored to take you on a journey into the graceful world of Tai Chi Chuan, an ancient practice that holds the secrets to physical harmony, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. In the next seven minutes, I will guide you through the history,…